Exploring R1234ze(E) Boiling Flow Patterns! #sciencefather #ThermalSystems #awardwinningauthor #chs

International Chemistry Scientist Awards This study focuses on the boiling flow patterns of refrigerant R1234ze(E) under various conditions. R1234ze(E) is a low-GWP (global warming potential) refrigerant commonly used in air conditioning and refrigeration systems. The research investigates the different flow regimes such as bubbly, slug, churn, and annular flow, using advanced visualization techniques. The aim is to improve the understanding of heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics for efficient design of thermal systems. This knowledge is crucial for enhancing the performance of refrigeration systems while minimizing environmental impact. 🔔 Subscribe for more insights on chemistry innovations! Visit Our Websites: chemistryscientists.org 🌐 Nominate Open Now - Enquiry Us: contact@chemistryscientists.org 📧 #sciencefather #doctorate #chemistry #scientists #scholar #doctorate #nominationpapers #researchpublication #researchers #R1234zeE, #BoilingFlowPatterns, #Refrigerant, #HeatTransfer, #TwoPhaseFlow, #FlowRegimes, #RefrigerationSystems, #LowGWPRefrigerants, #ThermalSystems, #EnvironmentalSustainability Get Connected Here: ============= Twitter : twitter.com/chemistryS79687 Pinterest : in.pinterest.com/chemistryaward/ Blogger : blogger.com/u/2/edit-profile.g LinkedIn : linkedin.com/in/chemistry-scientist-a08b37309/ Instagram : instagram.com/ali_sha3001/ Facebook : facebook.com/profile.php?id=61559707082825



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