Flare Gas Combustion in Ethylene Furnace #sciencefather #Awards #bestres...
International Chemistry Scientist Awardsπ
This study focuses on the numerical analysis of flare gas combustion in ethylene cracking furnaces. Flare gas, a byproduct of petrochemical processes, is often combusted to reduce harmful emissions. The investigation covers combustion behavior, flame stability, emission characteristics, and heat transfer mechanisms within the furnace. By simulating different operational conditions, the study aims to optimize combustion efficiency, minimize pollutant emissions such as NOx and CO, and improve overall furnace performance. The results offer valuable insights for enhancing environmental sustainability and energy efficiency in ethylene production.
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#sciencefather #doctorate #chemistry #scientists #scholar #doctorate #nominationpapers #researchpublication #researchers #FlareGasCombustion #EthyleneCrackingFurnaces #CombustionSimulation #EmissionsControl #NOxReduction #COEmissions #HeatTransfer #FurnaceOptimization #PetrochemicalProcesses #Sustainability #energyefficiency
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